Don’t do it for me- to undo your guilt
This issue is bigger than milk that has spilled
To devote all your life to our Savior and Lord
A word that cannot be confessed is “I’m bored”

For boredom attracts the devils attention
And Jesus gets not even an honorable mention
We are told in His wisdom to work for his cause
That words without action won’t get His applause

As I avoid conflict that crushes my heart
I walk in the spirit with Jesus impart
Don’t follow me now, because I will not lead
I know that my job was to nurture a seed

The seed was meant to promote and to grow
To God it appeared you had so much to show
He entrusted me with a challenge to exception
And I gave it my all even though it was deception

Why is it I’m still hurting long after it’s through
Because it was ALL OF ME that I gave to you
I committed to doing the job I was asked
‘Cause it is my will to do all of His tasks
Oh Lord, can you see me behind all these tears
I feel like I failed you over the years
But this time I went before you humbled and scarred
And wonder why this time I’m scalded and marred

My heart it will harden for people who use
The kindness of others in forms that abuse
I pray for their liberty come judgment day
But please stay away from me-you can’t treat me this way!

Vickie Skowronski
~Copyright Aug 2009


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