August 30, 2009

30 August 2009

Today, in 1924, a baby was born
This child grew up to be my Daddy
Today he would be 85 years old.....
If I do the math, that means he has been gone for almost 22 years
Don't wait until tomorrow......because tomorrow is never promised
Do you tell your family and friends that you love them?

It seems "wierd" to still be grieving after 22 years
I know what Elizabeth Kubler Ross says
There are stages of grief
And they all have their time and place

But, I found out that being "strong" and "tough" about grief,
It does not go away into oblivion~and "stuffing" your feelings
Can only destroy you, make you run scared
Because when you lose the one person in your life who believed in you
You forget who you were..who you are....
And even being 50 years old, you feel like a child who just lost her favorite toy

We all have to face those losses~throughout our lives nothing is guaranteed
What we can guarantee is that losing the most important person in your life
Will NEVER go might get better for a minute, or an hour
But, that will not be revealed until we meet again someday.
Happy Birthday!!<3

Vickie Skowronski
~August 30, 2009


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