Behind the Mask

Behind the Mask

Oh, pardon the man behind the mask
He is the one always doing tasks
Façade will carry him for a way
But he will be exposed one day

He smiles always, fooling all
From anyone that see’s him fall
Reality hides inside his heart
He hopes that no one gets too smart

To see the pain he hides inside
‘Cause if they did, he’d act surprised
Forgive him, Lord, he means so well
But his story he is not to tell

The pain can overwhelming be
And in his eyes the tears flow free
But not in sight can someone tell
That he is trapped inside a hell

When you see that he is smiling may
You please know not to turn away
He will not show you the real guy
He’ll act like he can touch the sky

But, really it’s a chance to fool
To hide the tears that fill the pool
Don’t let him know his secrets known
He’s scared his heart will turn to stone

With wonder and a spirit lives
To this a person~free to give
A caring sentimental man
I’ll carry him the best I can.

Vickie Skowronski
~Copyright August 2009


  1. Dear Vickie,

    Wishing you all good things with this poetry blog! Sharing poetic thoughts and inspiration is always a positive enterprise!

    Blessings to you,
    Cristina M. R. Norcross


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