"Facebook Friends"

"Facebook Friends"

I look at your status come over my screen
Each update has meaning to me, I have seen
My life has somehow been touched by each post
From those I just met, to the ones I love most

I know that each person has followed a path
That some are so blessed, and some are in wrath
But knowing what’s happening now in your space
Has made my life fuller by seeing your face

A comment, a post, or a joke you do share
And because you include me, it shows me you care
Some of you touched my life so long ago
And others I am blessed as I get better to know

This way of connecting with people and friends
This Facebook thing is not just a trend
It’s a way of maintaining a level of sharing
And reminds me I know that these people I’m caring

I thank you each friend that has stopped by to say
“So what are you going to do with your day?”
I know I am happy to share in your posts
That knowing you’re out there ~no matter which coast

So, I send out my blessings to each FB friend
And hope that our lives can connect till they end
‘Cuz life is a mystery~ to cherish with care
And I want you to know I will always be there!

~Vickie Skowronski
Copyright Aug 2009


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