The moment that I saw your face
And touched your little hand
I knew the person you’d become
When you got to be a man.

I knew you’d have a character
Of strength and dignity
You added your own humor
Which is very fine with me!

I saw your sensitivity
And how you’d help a friend,
Your loyalty was strong and true
I knew it would never end.

I watched you be an athlete,
And an actor, and a guide,
It didn’t matter what you did,
You always reached the sky!

And then the day would have to come
The day I’d dread to see~
You packed your things,
Got in your truck
And moved to Milwaukee!

Oh, Son, then years have just raced by
I guess I knew they would~
I want you to know just how proud of you I am~
If you didn’t know, you should!

Love, Mom
~December 2001


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