To Believe

I awaken suddenly
To this fresh smell of tweed
It's how I would picture you going to read,
And teach all the students so knowledgeably

Your friendship- has blessed my life by God's word
So much that you push me to feel self assured
Although we've only met one dreary morn
Your spirit touched my life which was torn

You are smart in so many ways
But you go far beyond what's in your days
You are loyal, gifted and faithful. I say
So here is my gift to you this day.

I'm sure the lives you touch
With your knowledge, faith- so much
How can I help the way I feel?
When I know that God made you real

And my heart can feel as it does
For I know what I see because
Of hours of time just chatting ever
I met a friend I hope forever

Life has blessed me- yes it did
Thank you God...for this friend I cannot rid
Thank you so, you've touched my life
You taught me that I need not strife

That God does not make junk, tell me more
Can I ever forget that you taught me to soar
Now and forever, my friend, can't you see
Each day brings me memories of what you've taught me.

~Vickie Skowronski
Copyright 2009


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