I know that I took a chance
Sharing with you
My life was enhanced
When I gave my heart to you

My feelings were spoken
And wore upon my sleeve
My heart cannot be broken
My love cannot deceive

I trusted my heart
When I knew I did fear
That I really do love you
And cherish so dear

But, taking my heart
To wear on my sleeve
Has left me to wonder
If I can believe

If love is not shared
It is not love at all
If I knew that you cared
You’d catch me when I fall

As strong as I seem
It’s my heart that can break
It’s my eyes that will gleam
And my love will forsake

When I look through your eyes
And your soul I look deep
I trust that you love me
It’s with faith that I leap

No walls will stand between us
Exposed for you to see
Deepest feelings will discuss
I throw away the key

Vulnerable and forsaken
Myself to you I give
You know my heart you’ve taken
This love for you I live.

~Vickie Skowronski
22 June 2009
Copyright 2009


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