If you think I won’t be there
In good times and in bad
To share all of the love
My heart has ever had

To be there for you
When you’re home or when you are away
You’ll soon learn that I’m real
Like you met me that day

Since the first day that we met
Not a day has gone past
That I knew we had something
I believe will forever last

To see down into your soul
When I look in your eyes
Then my heart just skips a beat
To me it’s no surprise

You see, I never did believe
That love comes at first sight
Until I met an angel
One Saturday’s first light

Your hands so tender touch
Your lips so warm and sweet
Your kindness and compassion
Have made me feel complete

As if when we’re together
The two of us makes one
Like God had man intended
When he warmed us with the sun

I feel so blessed to know you
And know my heart cannot deny
That we are one in His spirit
And my love will never die

My only hope is knowing
That my heart knows you are true
But rest assured it does not change
How much that I love you

~ Vickie Skowronski
Copyright 2008


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