

If something that I do or say
Can somehow ruin someone’s day
Perhaps it’s time to step aside
And in my world I’ll stay inside

With good intentions I do try
To be a friend, to learn ~ but why?
Does every time a life I touch
Mean I am evil ~ lives I crush

I love to make a little laugh
By something that I say off path
But if those words can hurt someone
I need to realize I am not fun

I look at what I thought I was
And any good I did, because
I do not think that people see
That “funny” is a part of me

So people I have hurt, please know
I pray that you will let it go
Forgive me for mistakes I’ve made
And in my mind I’ll always pay

For hurting words that were not meant
For any person’s life ~I repent
I wish that I could take it back
And know that only good I smack

I will now crawl back in my hole
And hope that you can see my goal
I never meant to hurt a fly
Somehow I do ~I need ask why?

~Vickie Skowronski
27 June, 2009
Copyright 2009


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