Look Right Through Me

Look Right Through Me
I looked in your eyes, and what did I see
That clearly you were not thinking ‘bout me
What is it about me, I really must ask
That makes you look past me, like I wear a mask

You know you can trust me
That your confidence I’ll keep
I am always loyal, faithful to friends
That’s where it stops, yes, that’s where it ends

I never saw this coming, though
In fact, I don’t even want you to know
So why am I feeling this, what did I see
I felt like we had a sweet chemistry

I can’t even mention this-feel like a fool
I know I can’t do it, which just isn’t cool
I put feelings to paper to shelter my heart
I have to protect me, I have to be smart

I find it amazing that I’m here to write
To mention my feelings, these feelings I fight
It seems pretty silly, the way that I feel
So, silly in fact, perhaps it’s not real?

Just what am I thinking- I’m sharing my heart
To people unlikely- that isn’t too smart
I’m sure in the long run, it’s better this way
But, honestly, I really hoped you would stay!

Vickie Skowronski
24 September 2009


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