A Missing Star
A Missing Star
Where did I hide these memories so long
I always put a mask that made me seem strong
I know that the day that you made me your “friend”
Those deep hidden memories just can’t seem to end
I remember the eyes of a guy ocean blue
But inside those eyes showed a soul broke in two
The wit and the humor that covered the pain
And when our eyes met, you need not explain
I knew that your actions ~ a way to protect
The painful reminders that none could detect
But blessed by my challenges, I could beyond
See something was haunting you ~ that we had a bond
Why could I not figure this out way back then
My guess ~ I was trapped in my own swallowing den
I know had I not been so timid and shy
I could have reached out and at least asked you why
You lived in a shadow of loss and you turned
To acceptance of trouble ~ but quickly you learned
That you had the option to turn it around
And soon you found hope and opportunities abound
I can still see that sadness of your memories
But now hear a zest that your life meant to be
I am excited to hear when you’re ready to share
The adventures that opened your heart ~cuz I care
That the hurt that I saw when we were so young
Has opened a window to let in the sun
You were given two options in life ~ bad or good
And as I always believed ~ it turned out like it should
I thank you, my friend, that you shared you with me
And hope you will share even more stories ~ see,
I feel those memories of past times poured out
Because I knew both of us wanted to shout
“Please somebody see me for what I am worth”
The greatest thing happened when we came to earth
We had a strong will to see past any walls
We proved to ourselves that we could have it all
That life offered us more than money & things
That while we were troubled, our hearts still did sing
For a better existence ~ a way to give back
Our lives took us elsewhere, and then we lost track
But even though so many years have gone past
I still see a friendship that’s destined to last
By sharing experiences you lived now with me
You will open a door I was sure had no key
As every day passes, and places you follow
Remember our friendship will have a tomorrow
As you open your life, I will open my door
To listen to all that your life has in store
Don’t ever forget that the words that you share
Between you and me will not go anywhere
But come out in passion for life that you live
I want to inspire ~ and also to give
There are no coincidences, only the way
The gifts that God gives us with every day
I feel that He sent me a gift to renew
To the bond I remember I once had with you
To inspire my soul, and inspire my mind
And in sharing with you, I know I will find
The goal that I dream of that soon will take flight
Because of a friend that has turned on a light! ~Vickie Skowronski ~ 13 June 2009
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