I am half
What happens to people when they lose half of themselves Do they realize that they cannot live with so much loss? In 52 years I have never known such love I lay here numb, wishing, praying, trying to be grateful to God for answering my wish of thirty years You DID hear my prayers And within one and a half years, you gave him a chance to love me back and got to share memories that belong only to our hearts and our souls~together from now until eternity In your arms....that is where I would choose~ your comforting arms that never let go I know I learned about being real...I won't forget the shoulder that let me rest...that holds my secrets as sacred, as I hold your secrets in my heart....I will hold them gently, sweetly, privately I saw what you hid so well all these years....I saw through into a loving soul And I know you knew how deep my love went You knew it never died- I could tell now that it was forever- for eternity... there will never be time that I will spend wit...